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110627_Winthrop_5317Pinedrops, Plerospora andromedea copy.jpg
Pinedrops, Plerospora andromedea, shown here both as early summer sprout and blossom stalk held over through winter, along the Chewuch River near Winthrop, Washington in the Methow River Valley. Pinefrops is the tallest of saprophyte in the Pacific Northwest area. Also known as Coyote's Arrow.
Douglas H. Orton
Pinedrops, Plerospora andromedea, Coyote's Arrow, native plant, saprophyte, pacific northwest, diaphanous, wildflower, botanical, nature, flora, Chewuch River, Methow River, Pasayten Wilderness, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, Cascade Mountains, North Cascades, Winthrop, Mazama, Carlton, Twisp, Washington State, salmon habitat, Thirty Mile Fire, Eight Mile Ranch, Chewuch Campground, Falls Creek, Andrews Creek, wilderness, wildlife, nature, Tripod Complex Fire, camping, fishing, kayaking, rafting, hiking, bike route, peaceful, quiet, understory, blueberries, wildflower area, Ponderosa Pine, white pine, hemlock, Douglas Fir, mixed forest, river basin, endangered, Methow Valley Ranger District, Douglas Orton, Okanogan County, picnic, skiing, Methow Native Americans, Colville Indian Reservation, State Route 20, Washington Pass, Rainy Pass, habitat, owl habitat, spotted Owl, Lake Pateros photography photography