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20100614_Palouse_0559Steptoe Butte, Palouse Landscape.jpg
Mist shrouds the distant Palouse Mountains (In Idaho) viewd from Steptoe Butte. Steptoe Butte stands tall above the Palouse in Washington State. Steptoe Butte is a quartzite island jutting up from sediment left by the ice age Missoula flood that formed the Palouse. Cow Parsnip and wild roses often flank bordering roads in spring.
Douglas H. Orton
Steptoe view, wild rose, Nootka Rose, Rosa nutkana, rose hips, rolling farmland, Eomoshtoss, Chief Kamiakin, Steptoe Butte, Missoula Flood, butte, peak, quartzite, quartz, Palouse high point, Steptoe Butte State Park, Palouse, palouse hills, Eastern Washington, Whitman County, Pullman, Colfax, Farmington, Oaksdale, Union, wheat, ranching, lentils, farming, wheat ranching, dry farming, family farms, agriculture, scenic, rolling hills, peacefull, country, countryside, farm homes, back roads, skyline drive, Palouse Scenic Byway, photography spots, breadbasket, Douglas Orton, Palouse River, Washington State University, Wazu, Cow Parsnip, wildflower, Heracleum Ianatum, perennial, H. sphondylium, Indian Celery photography Douglas Orton