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Koocanusa Bridge, the longest and highest in Montana. Scenic Lake Koocanusa lies north of Libby, Montana and is formed by Libby Dam, blocking the Kootenai River and forming a resevoir nearly four hundred feet deep and fourty-eight miles long. Scenic drives encircle the lake crossing over at the "long bridge", Montana's longest span.
Douglas H. Orton
Koocanusa Bridge, Long Bridge, Lake Koocanusa, Kootenai, Libby Dam, resevoir, lake, stormy, fishing, camping, Peck Creek, Peck Gulch, US Army Corps of Engineers, Rexford, Columbia River system, Lake Koocanusa Scenic Byway, northwestern montana, flathead, Purcell Mountains, British Columbia, Montana, Kootenai, Columbia, fishing, hiking, biking, mining, Yaak Tavern, Kootanay, West Fork, Burnt Grizzly Bear Creek, Rock Candy Mountain, camping, I survived the Yaak, nature, landscape, Northwest, Yaak River Scenic Drive, Kukanusa, Community of Yaak, town of yaak, Troy, Libby, Sylvanite, Dirty Shame Saloon, whitewater, Yaak River Road, adventure, fly fishing, Montana tourism, Kootenai National Forest, U.S. Forest Service, wilderness, motorcycle route, Douglas Orton, Lincoln County Douglas Orton