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The remote Red River, a truly wild and scenic river in Idaho is an upper tributary of the Clearwater, a famous and remote trout stream. Both are famous gold mining areas near Elk City, Idaho. Pictured is the mill for the Gold Point Mine.
Douglas H. Orton
Red River, Clearwater River, Nez Perce Scenic Byway, Wild and Scenic River, Red River Valley, camping, fishing, adventuring, gold mining, placer mining, Elk City, Grangeville, Clearwater, Idaho, placer mining, gold rush, peace, nature, Douglas Orton, editorial, travel, creative, educational, end of the road, western, remote, wild, wilderness, clear stream, nature, camping, fishing, hiking, pine forests, Elk City Wagon Road, Gospel-Hump Wilderness, Gold Rush Tour, Crooked River, Red River Hot Springs, Gold Point, Gold Point Mine, Mill, gold mill photography Douglas Orton