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Bluff Trail Over Strait of Juan de Fuca. Fort Ebey State Park. Whibey Island, WA. Boulders and surf.
Douglas H. Orton
Trail, bluff, high trail, long grass, stunning view, high walk, tight squeeze, close call, end of the road, life path, edge, blue horizon, salt air, cliff, sun light, no people, Fort Ebey Stat Park, Ebey Landing, Sunset, boulders, surf, Deception Pass Bridge, girder bridge, double bridge, Deception Pass State Park, Washington, SR20, Highway 20, hiking, biking, camping, swimming, tourism, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Puget Sound, Whidbey Island, Fidalgo Island, dangerous pass, Salish Sea, Anacortes, Oak Harbor, Coupeville, Joseph Whidbey, Washington State Parks, engineering marvel, world famous, Civilian Conservation Core project, Coronet Bay, Fort Ebbey State Park, Public Works Administration, douglas orton, island county, swift current, structual, steel construction, high bridge