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060708Palouse Farm, Tractor 619Douglas Orton.jpg
Plowing in the Palouse Country of Washington State, known as the heartland of wheat farming it is also a majestically scenic area well known for its rolling landscapes.
Douglas H. Orton
Palouse, hills, Washington, Pullman, tractor, wheat, farm, ranch, alone, isolated, farming, spring, plow, disc, harrow, clouds, drift, puffy, dark fields, damp, harvest, feed, food, country, Douglas Orton, horizontal, window, plowing, tractor, harrow, disk, blue sky, cirrus clouds, wheat, spring, winter wheat, Kamiak Butte, Steptoe Butte, Palouse Hills, Palouse Country, Whitman County, Colfax, Pullman, family farm, travel, editorial, creative, bread basket, Versatile, air conditioned, dusty, hard work, landscape photography Douglas Orton