Search Results
Your search yielded 67 images
Silky Lupine, predominant east of the Cascade...
Lupine, Tom McCa...jpg
Columbia River Gorge, Lupine, Balsam and other...
Arctic Lupine, Elwa Trail, Hurricane Ridge...
Lupine, Tom McCa...jpg
Columbia River Gorge, Lupine, Balsam and other...
Lupine Abstract,...jpg
Lupine photographed in Deer Park campground,...
Balsamroot and L...jpg
Columbia River Gorge, Old Columbia River Gorge...
Lupine, Tom McCa...jpg
Columbia River Gorge, Lupine, Balsam and other...
Mountain Lupine growing in healthy forest on...
081809Forest Lup...jpg
Lupinus Latifolius, a forest lupine found on...
081609Lupinus La...jpg
Lupinus Latifolius, a forest lupine found on...
Lupine and Balsa...jpg
Columbia River Gorge. At Rowena overlook,...
Lupine Road, Cat...jpg
Columbia River Gorge, Catherine Creek Natural...
Balsamroot and L...jpg
Columbia River Gorge, Rowena Road, Old Columbia...
090509Sunrise, M...jpg
View from the Frozen Lake Trail, east side of...
Wildflowers and ...jpg
Columbia River Gorge, Catherine Creek Natural...
053008Columbia R...jpg
Columbia River Gorge wildflowers and wild oaks...
052808Columbia R...jpg
Columbia River Gorge wildflowers and wild oaks...
053008Columbia R...jpg
Columbia River Gorge wildflowers and wild oaks...
052808Columbia R...jpg
Columbia River Gorge wildflowers and wild oaks...
053008Columbia R...jpg
Columbia River Gorge wildflowers and wild oaks...
Daisies and Fog ...jpg
Medly of wildflowers on Hurricane Ridge,...
Dalles Mountain ...jpg
Dalles Mountain Road climbs the north side of...
052808Columbia R...jpg
Balsamroot wildflowers and lupine dance in...
053008Columbia R...jpg
Columbia River Gorge wildflowers and wild oaks...
100209Paradise T...jpg
The Paradise River Trail is splendid in July...
Widlflowers, Hurricane Ridge area, Olympic...
Balsamroot and B...jpg
Balsamroot, lupine, others, and barn at Rowena...
20100824_Mt. Rai...jpg
The Alta Vista trail climbs to impressive views...
20100823_Mt. Rai...jpg
Mount Rainier towers above subalpine flora as...
Columbia Hills B...jpg
Columbia River Gorge, Columbia Hills
20100823_Mt. Rai...jpg
Wildflowers line the Paradise River in late...
In summer wildflowers line the Slab Camp trail...
20100824_Mt. Rai...jpg
A lone hiker crosses meadows of wildflowers...
20100823_Mt. Rai...jpg
Hikers follow the Skyline Trail from Mazama...
20100823_Mt. Rai...jpg
Wildflowers and the Paradise River valley front...
20100824_Mt. Rai...jpg
The Paradise River tumbles through this valley...
20100824_Mt. Rai...jpg
Day hikers in the Paradise area of Mount...
052108Tom McCall...jpg
Columbia River Gorge wildflowers and wild oaks...
Paradise Creek A...jpg
From Mazama Ridge along the Skyline Trail above...
20100824_Mt. Rai...jpg
Alpine Paintbrush, (C. rhexifolia) a shorter...
100209Paradise T...jpg
This view from the Paradise River Trail, below...
052108Tom McCall...jpg
Columbia River Gorge wildflowers and wild oaks...
Old Gorge Highwa...jpg
Columbia River Gorge. Wildflowers, lichen, and...
Stone path through wildflowers in alpine...
20100824_Mt. Rai...jpg
Fast retreating Nisqually Glacier in Mount...
20100824_Mt. Rai...jpg
Moraine left behind by the Nisqually Glacier as...
20100823_Mt. Rai...jpg
From Mazama Ridge along the Skyline Trail above...
20100823_Mt. Rai...jpg
From Mazama Ridge along the Skyline Trail above...
080209Chewuch Ri...jpg
A healthy forest of pine, hemlock and cedar...
Hiking Rowena.jpg
Columbia River Gorge, National Scenic Area, Tom...