Search Results
Your search yielded 74 images
20100823_Mt. Rai...jpg
Wildflowers and the Paradise River valley front...
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Mount Rainier towers above subalpine flora as...
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Wildflowers line the Paradise River in late...
20100824_Mt. Rai...jpg
A lone hiker crosses meadows of wildflowers...
Paradise Creek A...jpg
From Mazama Ridge along the Skyline Trail above...
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From Mazama Ridge along the Skyline Trail above...
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From Mazama Ridge along the Skyline Trail above...
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From Mazama Ridge along the Skyline Trail above...
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From Mazama Ridge along the Skyline Trail above...
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From Mazama Ridge along the Skyline Trail above...
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Hikers follow the Skyline Trail from Mazama...
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From Mazama Ridge along the Skyline Trail above...
20100824_Mt. Rai...jpg
Seed pods in late summer near Alta Vista...
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The Alta Vista trail climbs to impressive views...
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Alpine Paintbrush, (C. rhexifolia) a shorter...
20100824_Mt. Rai...jpg
Pink Mountain Heather, Phyllodoce empetriformis...
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Moraine left behind by the Nisqually Glacier as...
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Fast retreating Nisqually Glacier in Mount...
20100824_Mt. Rai...jpg
The Paradise River tumbles through this valley...
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Day hikers in the Paradise area of Mount...
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Subalpine Buttercup, Ranunculus eschscholtzil,...
Lupine and Balsa...jpg
Columbia River Gorge. At Rowena overlook,...
Dalles Mountain ...jpg
On the Washington side of the Columbia River...
091507Loop Loop ...jpg
Ground level view of mixed meadow at Loop Loop...
Lupine, Tom McCa...jpg
Columbia River Gorge, Lupine, Balsam and other...
Lupine, Tom McCa...jpg
Columbia River Gorge, Lupine, Balsam and other...
053108Dalles Mou...jpg
On the Washington side of the Columbia River...
Dalles Mountain ...jpg
Exploring off the main highways of the Columbia...
Dalles Mountain ...jpg
On the Washington State side of the Columbia...
Dalles Mountain ...jpg
Columbia River Gorge, Columbia Hills
Columbia Hills B...jpg
Columbia River Gorge, Columbia Hills
White Cinquefoil, P. Arguta, blooms in late...
White Cinquefoil, P. Arguta, blooms in late...
Mountain Ash, Up...jpg
Blazing fall color at Tipsoo Lakes, below...
Mountain Ash, Ti...jpg
Blazing fall color at Tipsoo Lakes, below...
Mountain Pea, a wild pea along the Chewuch...
Lyall's Mariposa Lily,Calochortus...
Pinedrops, Plerospora andromedea, growing in...
Tiger Lily, Lilium columbianum along the...
Wild rose in bud. Nootka Rose or Baldhip Rose,...
Silky Lupine, predominant east of the Cascade...
Snowbrush covers the forest floor along the...
Wild rose in bud. Nootka Rose or Baldhip Rose,...
Pinedrops, Plerospora andromedea, growing in...
Pinedrops, Plerospora andromedea, shown here...
Lyall's Mariposa Lily,Calochortus...
Wild rose in bud. Nootka Rose or Baldhip Rose,...
Wild rose in bud. Nootka Rose or Baldhip Rose,...
This once proud pioneer family home now sits...
The wooden sideqalks of Winthrop, Washington...